

Jasper Publisher allows you to set SMTP credentials for email.

It also provides email HTML Template functionality.

SMTP Settings

SMTP settings are entered during setup.

They can also be added or edited at any time via /var/www/.muttrc

The contents should be as below:

set copy = no
set from = 'Jasper Publisher <>'
set smtp_url = 'smtp://'

Email HTML Templates

The directory for storing HTML templates for email is:


This directory contains a started template you can customize (email_template.html).

You can also add your own templates to this directory as well.

Any templates in this directory will appear in the dropdown box on the Report Schedule page;


Using the included email_template.html, the Report email will look like below:



By default, Jasper Report Publisher installs PostFix as MTA

This can be subsituted with Sendmail or any other MTA you wish to use.


Jasper Publisher uses MUTT email client.