Sample Data
If you select the “Load Sample Data” box, it will create a sample database and reports.
IMPORTANT : If you load the Sample Data, you will need to restart Tomcat in order to pick up sample data.
The sample reports are available on the Dashboard
Sample Database
The sample database, beedatabase, is taken from the QFieldCloud Simple Bee Project:
beedatabase=# \dt
List of relations
Schema | Name | Type | Owner
public | apiary | table | admin1
public | fields | table | admin1
public | spatial_ref_sys | table | jrv
(3 rows)
Sample Data Source
The included sample Data Source is a JNDI connection to the beedatabase:
Sample Reports
Three Sample Reports are created
Simple Bee Report - this is a basic chart report
LOV Parameter - This is a basic report using a single LOV (List of Values) Parameter
Query Parameter - This is a basic report using two Query Parameters
Sample Schedules
A sample Schedule is created for each report.
Note: These Schedules, do not have email activated. You can edit them to include email delivery to test email functionality.
Sample Parameters
Sample Parameters are include for the LOV Parameter and Query Parameter reports
Delete Sample Data
To delete the sample data:
Delete Sample Schedules
Delete Sample Reports
Delete Sample Data Sources
Drop beedatabase